If you’ve been following my blog for the last few years then you know that I’ve ditched New Years resolutions and instead I choose a word of the year to focus on.
Having just one word to come back to is a lot easier than having a bunch of goals that can change continuously throughout the year.
Last year I chose two words: Nurture and Flow. Looking back on my year I feel as though I leaned into nurture especially with taking care of my baby, my body and my health above all else.
2019 was a year that I focused on being more gentle on myself than I have been in the past.
However, even though I spent a lot less hours working, I was still able to grow my business. This taught me a very valuable lesson:
More hours worked doesn’t necessarily equal more success.
In fact, spending less hours working but being really focused during those hours is worth way more than working 8 hours only half-focused.
Which brings me to my word of 2020…

This year I am going to be intentional with my time, my money and my energy.
When I am at work, my intention is to work on tasks that are going to move the needle in my business. My intention is to take the steps necessary in order to grow Pilates on Demand into the vision I have for it. I know some of those steps aren’t going to be easy, but they will make the biggest difference. The universe has big things in store for me and I am going to have to let go of some things I’ve held onto tightly in order to make room to accept them.
When I am at home, my intention is to be present for my family. My intention is to be on my phone less and interacting with the people I love most. When I am at home, my family is my number one priority and I want that to be evident to them.
When I am making purchases, I want to be spending my money on things I know are going to help support me or my family, that are going to make a difference to the people who are selling them, and to really be intentional with what/how much I am buying.
Lastly, I am going to be more intentional with where I am spending my energy. I want to spend my energy on activities that light me up and on people who make me laugh and make me a better person. I want to spend my energy on things that truly bring me joy and where I know the outcome will get me closer to my goals.
This year I am going to be intentional AF.

So what’s your word for 2020 going to be? Here are a couple examples to help you find your word. Choose just one to three items from each question:
1. What is one thing you wish you could get better at?
- Being present
- Being healthy
- Being patient
- Slowing down
- Saying no
- Spending more time with friends or family
- Accepting yourself
2. What would you regret doing (or not doing) if you died tomorrow?
- Taking guitar lessons
- Joining a dance class
- Taking care of your health
- Mending your relationships
- Going after your dream job
- Asking that guy/girl out
3. Who do look up to and what traits do you admire most about them?
- They’re generous
- They’re a good listener
- They’re empathetic
- They’re driven
- They’re grounded
- They’re happy/positive
4. What have you been putting off until the “perfect time”?
- I’ll make better choices for my health when…
- I’ll sign up for that class when…
- I’ll stop working on the weekends when…
- I’ll hang out more with my friends when…
- I’ll take time for me when…
5. Who do want to be for your family, friends and yourself?
- Present
- Happy
- Helpful
- A good listener
- Encouraging
- Loving
- Caring
Once you’ve answered these questions, you will find a certain theme that comes up again and again. From that theme, find a word that fits and resonates with you and where you’d like to focus your energy next year.
Once you’ve got your word, SHARE IT!! Tell the people closest to you or whoever you want to help keep you accountable and cheer you on. It’s much easier to achieve your goals when you’ve got support from others.
Ask others to do the same! Make 2020 a fun year; where you strive for improvement but don’t take yourself too seriously. Because if life isn’t fun, then was it all for?

Happy 2020! I can’t wait to hear what your word is.