In Breakfast/ Desserts and Treats/ Gluten-Free/ Recipes/ Snacks

Cinnamon Vanilla Protein Balls

These easy almond butter protein balls are vegan, gluten-free and can be made low carb for those following a paleo or keto diet.

Before I get into this simple protein balls recipe, I wanted to take a moment to let you know about a really scary experience I had this week and the important lesson it taught me.

On Sunday evening I started having contractions that became pretty regular and were getting more and more intense. As I am only 32 weeks pregnant this week, I decided to err on the side of caution and head to the hospital. After assessment, the nurses and doctor confirmed that I was indeed having labour contractions and my cervix had started dilating.

I was in complete shock. Everything was happening so fast. They spoke about possibly transferring me to Toronto and how my baby would need help breathing and eating in the NICU for the next few months. This was not what I expected at all would happen that night and I was not the least bit prepared to have Baby D yet. I was so scared for my baby and so sad that my birth experience would be so different than I had imagined.

Luckily, after close monitoring over the next 24 hours (and many very uncomfortable cervical checks), I was sent home on modified bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy.

Needless to say I am extremely grateful that Baby D decided to stay put for a bit longer, but I am still really shaken up about the whole experience.

It was an important reminder that I really have no control over anything and that I need to surrender even more than I think I need to.

My body is so smart and clearly I was pushing it too far again. Although I was not doing half as much as I was last year at this time, I still put too much pressure on myself. Both physically and mentally. Although I thought I was taking it easy, I clearly wasn’t. The body doesn’t lie.

The universe taught me a very valuable lesson this week, one that I will not take lightly.

Remember you don’t have to do it all. And when you think you’ve surrendered enough, surrender some more.

These easy almond butter protein balls are vegan, gluten-free and can be made low carb for those following a paleo or keto diet.

Ok now on to the recipe you came here for! These Vanilla-Cinnamon Protein Balls are excellent if you are looking for a quick and healthy snack. They don’t require any crazy ingredients so I can guarantee you probably have most of the ingredients at home already.

They are gluten-free and vegan, but if you would like them to be lower-carb so that they are keto-friendly, I have included those variations in the recipe. 🙂

These easy almond butter protein balls are vegan, gluten-free and can be made low carb for those following a paleo or keto diet.

If you liked these, then you may like my other protein ball recipes like my Dark Chocolate Protein Balls, Peanut Butter Protein Balls , Sweet Potato Tahini Protein Bars or my  Grain -Free Almond Butter Protein Bars.

Cinnamon-Vanilla Protein Balls

These easy almond butter protein balls are vegan, gluten-free and can be made low carb for those following a paleo or keto diet.

Cinnamon Vanilla Protein Balls
Yields 12
These easy almond butter protein balls are vegan, gluten-free and can be made low carb for those following a paleo or keto diet.
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Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 cup oat flour* (use GF oats if needed)
  2. 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder (I used sunwarrior classic vanilla)
  3. 1 tsp cinnamon
  4. 1-2 tsp vanilla extract
  5. 1/3 cup almond butter
  6. 1/4 cup maple syrup**
  7. 1/4 tsp salt
  1. Place oats in food processor and process into a flour. If using almond flour, you can process almonds until a flour is formed (be careful not to process too long into a butter)
  2. Add the flour and all other ingredients to a large bowl and mix well.
  3. If batter is too dry, add more almond butter or water
  4. Roll into 12 2 inch balls
  5. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks or in the freezer for up to 2 months. I prefer to store these in the freezer and eat them straight from there!
  1. *Use almond flour for low-carb/keto version
  2. **Use stevia if keto. You will need to adjust the liquid ratio here so I recommend adding more almond butter or water.
The Healthy Sweet Potato


These easy almond butter protein balls are vegan, gluten-free and can be made low carb for those following a paleo or keto diet.

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