In Personal Growth/ Real Life

5 Books That Made Me Grow – By Emma Jack

5 Books That Made Me Grow-Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

I am so excited to introduce my guest today! Emma Jack is an old friend from undergrad at McMaster University. Emma then went on to pursue a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy, a Clinical Master’s degree in Manipulative Therapy, a Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy and a Pilates Rehabilitation Certification. WOW! And to top it all off she started her own blog called Press Play Physiotherapy.

Needless to say, Emma is quite the inspiration and she is doing amazing things! I knew I just had to have her on my blog and I am so grateful that she agreed to write this post. <3

After achieving so much, you have to wonder what inspires someone like Emma? Well lucky you, today Emma is sharing 5 books that have had a huge influence on her life so far and that have helped her to grow both personally and professionally.

I hope you enjoy! 

5 Books That Made Me Grow – By Emma Jack

Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

I think we can all agree that 2017 was a bit of a wild ride. For me this year was probably one of
my most challenging yet- I completed a full-time master’s degree while still working in clinic,
saw the end of a long-term relationship and moved twice! Though I wouldn’t necessarily want
to do it all again, I look back and am grateful for what for the lessons that this year has taught
me. I’ve never been a huge reader but this year I turned to a few books to help me navigate,
reflect and transform myself as well as my personal and professional relationships. Below are
my top 5 favourite books which helped to stimulate my growth over the past year and may just
get you inspired for the new year ahead too!

Daring Greatly- Brene Brown

Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

“We love seeing raw truth and openness in other people, but we’re afraid to let them see it in
us. We’re afraid that our truth isn’t enough—that what we have to offer isn’t enough without
the bells and whistles, without editing, and impressing.”– Brene Brown, Daring Greatly

This book is one of my first true book loves. Author, Brene Brown is a research professor at the
University of Houston who studies courage, empathy, vulnerability and shame. Though some of
these words might make you feel uncomfortable, understanding how they impact our
interactions with the world around us is life changing. Daring Greatly is one of many of Brown’s
books and I truly would recommend each and every one of them (though Daring Greatly is my
favourite). This book fuels you to step up, be seen, take risks and recognize that failure a better
option then not trying at all.

“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be in order to be
accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us
to be who we are.”- Brene Brown, Daring Greatly

Love Warrior- Glennon Doyle Melton

Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

“You are not supposed to be happy all the time. Life hurts and it’s hard. Not because you’re
doing it wrong, but because it hurts for everybody. Don’t avoid the pain. You need it. It’s meant
for you. Be still with it, let it come, let it go, let it leave you with the fuel you’ll burn to get your
work done on this earth.”– Glennon Doyle, Love Warrior

Glennon Doyle’s memoir, Love Warrior, takes you on her journey from hitting rock bottom (a
few times) to accepting an invitation to recreate and reimagine her own life. I received this
book as a gift from a friend of mine (and have since bought it for 4 other people!) and read it
while travelling this past summer. WARNING: this book is not a casual read – it demands and
deserves your full attention. There were parts throughout her writing where I had to stop and
let the writing and words sink in before moving on. Her honesty and truth telling is so
refreshing and highly relatable. This book makes you think, but in only the best ways. Though
told through her story, the importance of owning your truth, facing the darkness and creating
growth to start anew are messages that we all need reminders of.

“Maybe instead of slamming the door on pain, I need to throw open the door wide and say,
Come in. Sit down with me. And don’t leave until you have taught me what I need to know.”
Glennon Doyle, Love Warrior

Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In – Brett Bartholomew

Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

“Patience is a conquering virtue. It helps us avoid the poor decisions we often make when acting
out of ego, anxiety or insecurity”– Brett Bartholomew, Conscious Coaching

Though written as a guide for Strength and Conditioning coaches, I think Brett Bartholomew’s
book is important read for any young professional or individual in a leadership role. His book
tackles the art of communication, professional relationship building as well as practical advice
for creating an environment that promotes the engagement and growth of others. For me, the
book taught me how to better interact with different personality types and helped me
recognize the importance of my own verbal and non-verbal behaviour. Yes, not all of us work
with professional athletes, but people are people and most of his book is highly applicable to
professional behaviour in general.

Conscious coaches seek to learn from experts in all fields, and continually expose themselves to
challenging situations to better test their theories and expertise”– Brett Bartholomew, Conscious

Presence- Amy Cuddy

Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

“When our body language is confident and open, other people respond in kind, unconsciously
reinforcing not only their perception of us but also our perception of ourselves.” –Amy Cuddy,

As someone who has battled with anxiety, this book was a totally perfect read for me. Author,
Amy Cuddy may be best known for her TED Talk, “Your body language may shape who you are” (make sure to watch it if you haven’t already) and this book delves more into the research behind that famous talk. This book totally changed how I
approach and carry myself into new opportunities and stressful situations. Cuddy provides a
perfect mix of research, individual antidotes and practical solutions for day to day life. The
notion that how we hold ourselves alters how we feel about ourselves is a game-changer. Grab
this book and Starfish up!

“focus less on the impression you’re making on others and more on the impression you’re
making on yourself.” – Amy Cuddy, Presence

Journey to the Heart- Melody Beattie

Emma Jack, a well-accomplished physiotherapist discusses 5 books that helped her grow both personally and professionally.

Play as much as you can. Find the time- take time-to play. It may give you the energy you
need”- Melody Beattie, Journey to the Heart

I typically end my days with this Melody Beattie’s Journey to the Heart, a collection of daily
meditations which always cause me to pause and reflect. This is my third year through the book
and each time is a new journey as I find myself in a new space with every passing year. Each day
has its own meditation which is about a page long and ends with a short and sweet affirmation.
I love this little ritual and I’ve seriously got my monies worth out of this one!

“Trust that the waiting part of change in necessary. Trust that your desire for change is the
beginning of change. Trust that each moment you are moving closer to the change you desire.”
Melody Beattie, Journey to the Heart

Wow, that was so wonderful Emma! I am definitely going to be going out to get each of these books ASAP! 

Thank you so much for sharing these books and your experience with us. I know I got a lot just from these quotes alone and I hope my readers did too.

If you liked this post and want to learn more about Emma, you can check her out on her blog Press Play Physiotherapy or follow her on Instagram @pressplayphysio  and Facebook @PressPlayPhsyio

Until next time,


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