[Prelude: Mike, my husband and Allen’s father, works at a hospital which is close to a dog park that we take him to sometimes.]
Dear Diary,
Today Mom was driving again…which is weird because normally dad doesn’t let mom drive when they are both in car… I don’t really know why but maybe it has something to do with how bumpy and swirvy it is back here when mom drives.
Anyway, we are off to the park! I just know it! I get one park trip a day and it’s usually when the sun is still out. So this is it! Looks like we are on our way to the park with the big H building and all the dogs, I can’t wait! And Mom and Dad are both here so I’ll get twice as much attention. 😛 😛
We stopped at the big building with an H. Dad just got out. And now we are leaving!!! What?? Wait for me Dad I want to come!… And we left, going back to the old boring park with Mom. Lucky Dad.
Oh well, I love being outside! Oh look a squirrel!!
Until next time,
XOXO Allen